The world of displays is continually changing. In this series, we’ll examine some of the cutting-edge technology available on the market today.
LG introduced Transparent OLED Displays at InfoComm 2019. If you are looking for that ‘wow factor’, LG’s product really delivers. At only 7 millimetres thick, LG’s display provides a remarkably transparent experience. You can look right through it! When an image appears, it seems to come from nowhere. The stunning image emerges on the screen–the space behind is illuminated.
According to LG, the Transparent OLED is well-suited to high-end retail applications. From a marketing perspective, information delivery becomes seamless. Clients receive the message and view the product simultaneously. What was once a fixed display now comes alive, interactive and experiential. You can even offer your viewers AR (Augmented Reality) effects in the dark. Images become animated and literally leap off the viewing area.
Some readers might wonder about the effects of transparency on picture quality. LG’s Transparent OLED technology features self-lighting pixels that maintain vivid and accurate colour. Nothing is sacrificed. You can expect exceptional picture quality.
Century Audio Visual can customize and expand your LG Transparent OLED to suit your environment and needs. Transparent OLED’s are available in ceiling and wall mounts. With 1 x 1 and 2 x 2 tiling, the possibilities are endless. Contact Century Audio today to learn more about LG’s innovative line.