Large, complex AV/IT systems involve many individual parts. Each additional part represents a potential point of failure. Whether it is complete hardware failure (a dead projector or damaged cable) or simply a functional failure (someone disconnects a cable resulting in something else not working), Century’s Service Level Agreements (SLA’s) give you that peace of mind. Our SLA’s feature three primary methods: Remote Diagnostics & Upgrades (RD), Priority Service (PS) site calls and Preventative Maintenance (PM) visits. RD support deploys internet and cloud diagnostics. PS site calls address emergency problems. PM visits seek to proactively prevent them from happening. Even the most finely built system is prone to a hiccup at some point. SLA’s ensure those hiccups don’t impact your systems, your business processes and the critical jobs your people do. Contact us for details on this value-added service.
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Choosing the right AV equipment supplier can transform your business. Explore top suppliers in Ontario, compare their services, and find the perfect match for your needs.